Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

Speaker Title Date
António Fernandes (IST, UTL) O problema do contínuo - a solução parcial de Kurt Gödel 2006-06-01
Harold Simmons (Manchester) Tiering without tears 2006-05-19
Oliver Kullmann (Swansea) Identification of inconsistencies in low-level translations of user queries 2006-05-18
Harold Simmons (Manchester Univ., UK) Boolean reflections for frames 2006-05-16
Isar Stubbe (CMUC, U. Coimbra) Abstract projective geometry and the origin of the logico-algebraic approach to quantum theory 2006-03-07
Teresa Martins (CMUC, U. Coimbra) Congruências em Álgebras Dinâmicas 2006-02-07
Guillaume BrÌmmer (Univ. Cape Town) Completing functorial quasi-uniformities on spaces 2005-11-30
Paulo Saraiva (CMUC/Fac. Economia, UC) Sobre as álgebras de Malcev generalizadas 2005-10-18
Lurdes Sousa (CMUC/IPViseu) Quasi-equational Logic 2005-10-18
Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC) Torsion theories in normal categories 2005-09-20
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