Pasha Zusmanovich (Univ. Ostrava, Czech Republic) |
On simple 15-dimensional Lie algebras in characteristic 2
2021-11-17 |
Eliana Duarte (CMUP, Univ. Porto) |
Families of polytopes with rational linear precision in higher dimensions
2021-11-03 |
Helena Smigoc (Univ. College Dublin, Ireland) |
Orthogonal symmetric matrices and joins of graphs
2021-09-22 |
Carla Rizzo (Univ. Palermo, Italy) |
Polynomial identities and central polynomials: their growth
2021-06-23 |
Karin Erdmann (Univ. of Oxford, UK) |
Torsion pairs and Ringel duality for Schur algebras
2021-06-09 |