Algebra and Combinatorics (AC)

Speaker Title Date
João Dias (CEAFEL, Univ. Lisboa) Smooth representations of groups associated with algebras defined over non-archimedean fields 2021-04-28
Inês Rodrigues (CEAFEL, Univ. Lisboa) Shifted Bender-Knuth moves and a shifted Berenstein-Kirillov group 2021-01-13
Teresa Conde (Univ. Stuttgart, Germany) Quasihereditary algebras with exact Borel subalgebras 2020-12-09
Ilda Perez Fernandez Silva (Univ. Lisboa) On the combinatorics of linear dependencies of 0-1 vectors 2020-11-18
Persi Diaconis (Stanford Univ., USA) Finite fields meet Markov chains 2020-11-11
Inês Rodrigues (CEAFEL, Univ. Lisboa) Cactus group actions on shifted tableau crystals and a shifted Berenstein-Kirillov group 2020-07-01
Jacinta Perez Gavilan Torres (Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
A non-Levi branching rule in terms of Littelmann paths 2020-05-20
Emilio Franco Gomez (CAMGSD, IST, Lisboa) Mirror symmetry on the Hitchin system 2020-01-24
André Oliveira (CMUP & UTAD) Branes on the Hitchin system via torsion bundles 2020-01-24
Raúl Penaguião (Univ. Zürich, Switzerland) The feasible region for consecutive occurrences of large permutations 2020-01-22
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