Léonard Monsaingeon (IST, Lisboa) |
Systems of PDEs in porous media
2016-02-05 |
Graça Carita (Univ. Évora) |
Relaxation in BV×Lp
2015-11-13 |
Therese Mieth (Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Germany) |
Approximation numbers of weighted Sobolev embeddings via bracketing
2015-10-02 |
Kannappan Palaniappan (Univ. Missouri, Columbia, USA) |
Object detection, multispectral fusion, motion analysis and tracking in aerial imagery and video
2015-07-08 |
Emanuel Carneiro (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) |
Regularity properties of maximal functions
2015-06-08 |