Analysis (A)

Speaker Title Date
Léonard Monsaingeon (IST, Lisboa) Systems of PDEs in porous media 2016-02-05
Ana J. João (CEMAT-IST, ULisboa) From medical images to computational hemodynamics: a robust pipeline 2015-12-09
Graça Carita (Univ. Évora) Relaxation in BV×Lp 2015-11-13
Stanislav Kondratyev (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) A distance on the space of Radon measures with application to spatial population dynamics 2015-10-23
Therese Mieth (Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Germany) Approximation numbers of weighted Sobolev embeddings via bracketing 2015-10-02
Manuel Conesa (Univ. Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain) On the discriminated nondimensionalization of coupled, non-linear ordinary differential equations and system of equations 2015-07-24
Kannappan Palaniappan (Univ. Missouri, Columbia, USA) Object detection, multispectral fusion, motion analysis and tracking in aerial imagery and video 2015-07-08
Kannappan Palaniappan (Univ. Missouri, Columbia, USA) Filtering, fusion, detection and segmentation of microvasculature vessel fluorescence imagery 2015-07-07
Emanuel Carneiro (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Regularity properties of maximal functions 2015-06-08
António Bento (Univ. Beira Interior) Invariant manifolds of non-autonomous ODEs 2015-05-29
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