Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

Speaker Title Date
Craig Pastro (Kyushu University, Japan) Complementing comonads 2012-03-20
Dimitri Chikhladze (CMUC) Monoidal structures 2012-03-20
Diana Rodelo (CMUC/Univ. Algarve) Mal'tsev categories and a generalised 3x3 Lemma 2012-02-28
Dominique Bourn (Univ. du Littoral, Calais, France) Shreier Mac Lane theorem in the Mal'cev context 2012-02-28
Tim Van der Linden (Univ. catholique de Louvain, Belgium) Higher central extensions via binary commutators 2012-02-20
Andrea Montoli (CMUC) Semidirect products and split short five lemma in algebraic categories 2012-02-20
Nelson Martins-Ferreira (IP Leiria/CDRSP) Topological space objects via neighbourhood systems 2012-02-20
Lurdes Sousa (IP Viseu/CMUC) Well-founded and well-pointed coalgebras 2012-01-20
Javier Gutiérrez García (UPV, Bilbao, Spain) A Selection of Insertion-type results Extending Katetov's procedure 2011-11-23
Jorge Picado (Mat.FCTUC/CMUC) Normality vs. extremal disconnectedness: two sandwich-type results for the price of one 2011-11-23
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