Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

Speaker Title Date
Mário Florido (DCC, UP) System L: a linear version of Godel System T 2007-11-19
Dikran Dikranjan (Udine University, Italy) The Tale of Three Entropies 2007-10-30
Dmitry Matsnev (IST) Étale groupoids as germ grupoids and their applications to coarse geometry 2007-10-23
Gilda Ferreira (CMAF, UL) Introdução ao Cálculo de Dedução Natural - análise dos conectivos 2007-10-15
Maria Manuel Clementino The non-abelian counterpart of localisations 2007-09-18
Gracinda Gomes (CAUL/Mat. FCUL) Some classes of factorizable semigroups 2007-06-12
Nelson Ferreira (IP Leiria) Algebroids and 2-Ab-Categories 2007-05-25
Lurdes Sousa (CMUC/IP Viseu) The Orthogonal Subcategory and the Injective Subcategory Problems, and logics of morphisms 2007-05-25
Jorge Picado (CMUC/Mat. FCTUC) Ideals in Heyting semilattices: openness versus completeness under subfitness. 2007-04-20
Ana Escada (CMUC/Mat. FCTUC) The locality of some subpseudovarieties of DG 2007-03-27
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