Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

Speaker Title Date
Alfredo Costa (CMUC/Mat. FCTUC) Free Profinite Categories and Semigroupoids and how Symbolic Dynamics can help us to understand them 2007-03-13
Christophe Van Olmen (CMUC/FCT) Pointfree, but not pointless, approach theory 2007-01-31
Dirk Hofmann (Dep. Mat, Univ. Aveiro) Towards a notion of T-frames 2007-01-31
Valentina Rossi (CMUC) Torsion theories and Galois coverings of topological groups 2006-11-13
Dirk Hofmann (Univ. Aveiro) About Yoneda in T-categories 2006-11-13
Valentina Rossi (CMUC) Admissible Galois structures and coverings in regular Mal'cev categories 2006-10-23
Pedro Silva (CMUP/Mat. Pura, FCUP) An algebraic approach to Turing machine computation 2006-10-17
Alexander Pozhidaev (Sobolev Inst Math, Sib. Branch Russian Acad. Sciences) Filippov superalgebras 2006-09-21
Ales Pultr (Charles Univ., Prague) Complete congruences on frames 2006-06-28
Jorge Almeida (CMUP / Matemática Pura, FCUP) Implicit characterization of radicals 2006-06-06
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