Carlos André (Univ. Lisboa) |
Supercharacters, non-commuting symmetric functions and set partition combinatorics
2013-11-27 |
Alessandro Conflitti (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) |
Gray codes and lexicographical combinatorial generation for nonnesting and sparse nonnesting set partitions
2013-10-09 |
Abdenacer Makhlouf (Univ. de Haute Alsace, France) |
Formal deformations and q-deformations in stage, and Hom-algebras
2013-06-12 |
Rui Duarte (Univ. Aveiro) |
A bijection for the convolution of central binomial coefficients
2013-05-29 |
Said Benayadi (Univ. de Lorraine, France) |
Classification of quadratic Lie algebras of low dimension
2013-04-30 |