Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

Speaker Title Date
Björn Gohla (U. Porto) A mapping space for Gray-categories 2011-01-25
Peter Mayr (CAUL) On the number of finite algebras 2010-12-07
Andrea Montoli (CMUC) Semidirect products of internal groupoids 2010-12-07
Ivan Yudin (CMUC) Distributive law between a monad and a comonad 2010-11-09
Dirk Hofmann (U. Aveiro) A "one for the price of zero" duality principle for distributive spaces 2010-11-09
Tim Van der Linden (CMUC) Resolutions, higher extensions and the relative Mal'tsev axiom 2010-09-14
Andrea Montoli (CMUC) A Schreier-Mac Lane extension theorem in action accessible categories 2010-09-14
Diana Rodelo (U. Algarve/CMUC) Internal categories in n-permutable varieties 2010-09-14
Ales Pultr (Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic) Daniell's version of Lebesgue integral II 2010-07-14
Maria Manuel Clementino (Mat. FCTUC/CMUC) Fibrewise injectivity and Kock-Zoberlein monads 2010-07-14
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