Algebra and Combinatorics (AC)

Speaker Title Date
Olga Azenhas (CMUC/Univ. Coimbra) Ribbon Schur functions with full support and Schur positivity 2012-02-15
Eduardo Marques de Sá (CMUC) On the solution set of the matrix equation AX-XA=I 2012-02-01
Eleni Tzanaki (Univ. of Crete, Greece) Counting dominant regions in the m-extended Catalan arrangement with a fixed separating wall 2012-01-18
Johan Martens (Aarhus Univ., Denmark) Compactifications of reductive groups as moduli stacks of bundles 2011-12-14
Ana Paula Santana (CMUC/Mat. FCTUC) Characteristic free resolutions in Schur algebras 2011-11-23
Ethan Cotterill (CMUC) New approaches to rational curves on general hypersurfaces 2011-11-16
Stavros Papadakis (CAMGSD, Lisboa) Betti bounds for the Stanley-Reisner ring of a stellar subdivision 2011-11-09
Ricardo Mamede (CMUC/Mat. FCTUC) Enumeration of Shi regions with a fixed separating wall 2011-11-02
Margarida Melo (CMUC/Mat FCTUC) Geometric Invariant Theory for polarized curves 2011-10-26
Filippo Viviani (CMUC/Roma Tre) Tropical Teichmuller theory 2011-10-12
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