Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

Speaker Title Date
Francis Borceux (Université Catholique de Louvain / CMUC) Álgebras planas, subobjectos puros e teorias de Von Neumann 2003-03-31
Ana Paula Escada (CMUC) Os globais de duas subpseudovariedades de DA 2003-03-19
Hans-E. Porst (Univ. Bremen, Germany) Why coalgebras are (often) algebras 2003-03-10
Diana Rodelo (CMUC) Baer sums in Moore categories 2003-02-24
Jorge Picado (CMUC) Functorial quasi-uniformities and the Fletcher construction on frames 2003-02-10
G. Janelidze On Galois Theory 2002-07-23
Lurdes Sousa (CMUC) How accessible are categories of algebras? 2002-06-24
Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC) On the quasi-topos of reflexive lax algebras 2002-06-11
Dirk Hofmann (Universidade de Aveiro) Various classes of effective descent maps in categories of lax algebras 2002-06-11
John MacDonald (Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) Algebraic operations and embeddings 2002-05-21
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