Speaker | Title | Date |
Dirk Hofmann (Univ. Aveiro) | From ordered to metric compact Hausdorff spaces | 2015-01-13 |
Andrea Montoli (CMUC) | On the "Smith is Huq" condition in S-protomodular categories | 2015-01-13 |
Dimitri Chikhladze (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) | Monoid theoretic approach to bicategorical structures | 2014-12-09 |
Mack Matlabyana (Univ. Limpopo, South Africa) | Quasi-F frames | 2014-11-25 |
Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) | On topological semi-abelian algebras: split extensions and their classifiers | 2014-11-25 |
Rachel A.D. Martins (IST/UL) | Involutive double categories | 2014-10-28 |
Manuela Sobral (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) | Some remarks on descent for Priestley spaces | 2014-10-28 |
Mathieu Duckerts-Antoine (CMUC) | Fundamental group functors and higher Hopf formulae | 2014-09-30 |
Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) | Lax algebras as spaces | 2014-09-30 |
Richard N. Ball (Univ. Denver, USA) | The pointfree representation of a truncated archimedean l-group | 2014-09-11 |