Geometry (G)

Speaker Title Date
João Nuno Mestre (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) Transverse densities and modular classes of Lie groupoids 2023-02-22
José Pedro Quintanilha (Univ. Bielefeld, Germany) Computing generalized Seifert matrices for closures of colored braids 2023-01-05
Thomas Kahl (CMUM, Univ. Minho) The homology language of a higher-dimensional automaton 2022-11-30
Matias del Hoyo (Univ. Federal Fluminense, Brazil) Completeness and linearization 2022-11-16
Hassan Alishah (Univ. Minas Gerais, Brazil) Dirac structures and Hamiltonian inverse problem, applications to linear systems and Lotka-Volterra equations 2022-11-09
Manpreet Singh (CAMGSD, IST, Univ. Lisboa) Combinatorial properties of link quandles 2022-07-27
Dénes Nagy (Australian Catholic Univ., Melbourne, Australia) The birth of Euclidean geometry (and mathematics) & the birth of non-Euclidean geometry 2022-07-18
Ivan Beschastnyi (CIDMA, Univ. Aveiro) Lie groupoids for PDE analysis 2022-06-29

Anthony Bloch (Univ. of Michigan, USA)

Geometry of mechanical systems with constraints and impacts 2022-05-04
Sebastián Daza (PhD student, CMUC) G-structures on orbifolds 2022-03-04
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