Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

Speaker Title Date
Ales Pultr (Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic) Daniell's version of Lebesgue integral I 2010-07-13
Alfredo Costa (Mat.FCTUC/CMUC) Maximal subgroups of free profinite semigroups 2010-04-13
Guillaume Brummer (University of Cape Town, South Africa) Motives toward a pointfree study of completions of functorial (quasi)-uniformities on frames/locales 2010-03-23
Gustavo Granja (CAMGSD/IST) Realizing modules over the homology of a DGA 2010-03-10
Thomas Cassidy (Bucknell University, USA) A homological hammer to pound an infinite problem into a finite calculation 2010-03-10
Sandra Mantovani (Universitá di Milano, Italy) Normalities and commutators 2010-02-23
João Xarez (Universidade de Aveiro) Folding up of monotone and concordant morphisms for sub-reflections from models in the category of presheaves 2010-02-23
Tim Van der Linden (CMUC) Remarks on two commutators 2009-11-24
Jirí Adámek (TU Braunschweig, Germany) What are sifted colimits? 2009-11-10
Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC/Mat. FCTUC) On étale morphisms in Algebra 2009-11-10
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