Geometry (G)

Speaker Title Date
Daniel Pinto (CMUC) Constructions on hypermaps 2009-01-21
Paulo Antunes (Dep. Matemática, Coimbra) Lie algebroids and hamiltonians in supermanifolds 2008-12-16
Antonio De Nicola (CMUC) On Poisson quasi-Nijenhuis Lie Algebroids 2008-12-02
Iakovos Androulidakis (CMUP) Singular foliations: Longitudinal pseudodifferential calculus and index theory 2008-11-18
Fani Petalidou (University of Cyprus) On the geometric (pre)quantization of twisted Poisson manifolds 2008-01-10
Elisabete Barreiro (Dep. de Matemática, FCTUC) Odd-quadratic Lie superalgebras 2007-12-05
Ana Bela Cruzeiro (IST Lisboa) The geometry of the diffeomorphisms group on the torus and the Euler flow 2007-10-26
Antonio De Nicola (CMUC) The Geometry of 3-quasi-Sasakian manifolds 2007-10-19
Rolf Krausshar Soeren (Universidade de Gent, Bélgica) Applications of quaternionic analysis to Yang-Mills gauge theories 2007-04-11
Helena Reis (CMUP/Faculdade de Economia, Univ. Porto) Singularities of holomorphic flows 2007-02-27
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