Algebra and Combinatorics (AC)

Speaker Title Date
Martin Hyland (Univ. of Cambridge, UK) Dual enrichment and Isbell Duality 2017-01-30
Thomas Laffey (Univ. College Dublin, Ireland) Sign patterns of coefficients of power series associated with the spectra of positive matrices 2017-01-30
Olga Azenhas (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) Internal Schensted insertion and tableau-switching involution 2017-01-18
Teresa Conde (Univ. Stuttgart, Germany) The ADR algebra and other strongly quasihereditary algebras 2017-01-04
Ivan Kaygorodov (Univ. Federal do ABC, Brazil) Derivations and generalized derivations of non-associative algebras 2016-12-14
Mohamed Boucetta (Univ. Cadi-Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco) Finite dimensional Poisson algebras 2016-12-07
André Oliveira (CMUP, Univ. Porto) Topological mirror symmetry for parabolic Higgs bundles 2016-11-30
Carlos André (CEAFEL, Univ. Lisboa) Extreme supercharacters of the infinite unitriangular group 2016-11-23
Carlos Rito (Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto) Explicit Schoen Surfaces 2016-10-19
Stephen Donkin (Univ. of York, UK) First degree cohomology of Specht modules and extensions of symmetric powers 2016-10-12
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