Geometry (G)

Speaker Title Date
Jesús Clemente-Gallardo (Univ. Zaragoza, Spain) Geometric Quantum Mechanics and applications 2013-11-06
Ana Cristina Ferreira (Univ. Minho) Einstein manifolds with skew torsion 2013-10-16
Giovanni Bazzoni (Universität Hamburg, Germany) A structure theorem for co-Kähler manifolds 2013-09-13
Pedro Lopes (IST, Lisboa) Stability of hyperfinite knots 2013-07-02
Raquel Caseiro (CMUC/Univ. Coimbra) Modular classes and Dirac structures 2013-04-24
Joana Teles (CMUC/Univ. Coimbra) Hom-Lie algebroids 2013-02-20
Andrew Clarke (IME/USP, Brazil) Instantons on the manifolds of Bryant and Salamon 2012-12-05
Hassan Alishah (IST, Lisboa) KAM and presymplectic dynamics 2012-12-05
Matias del Hoyo (IST, Lisboa) Vector bundles over Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids 2012-11-21
Daniel Pinto (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) Primitive Groups are rare (but useful) 2012-10-17
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