Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAO)

Speaker Title Date

Emmanuel Franck & Victor Michel-Dansac (Inria & IRMA, Strasbourg, France)

Scientific machine learning: some methods and applications 2022-12-09
João M. Pereira (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Scalable methods for high-dimensional inverse problems using neural networks and implicit method of moments 2022-12-02
Stéphane Clain (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) High order methods for PDE: panorama and perspective 2022-11-11
Evelin Krulikovski (Univ. Nova de Lisboa) A low-cost alternating projection approach for a continuous formulation of convex and cardinality constrained optimization 2022-10-21
Sandra Pinelas (DCEE, Academia Militar)
Asymptotic behavior and stability of solutions in differential equations of mixed type 2022-09-23
Marta Pascoal (Politecnico di Milano, CMUC/University of Coimbra, and INESC Coimbra) K dissimilar paths 2022-06-24
Carlota Rebelo Gonçalves (Univ. de Lisboa) Recent results on planar predator-prey and competitive models with seasonality 2022-03-11
Iolanda Velho (CEMAT, Univ. Lisboa) How can the Cerebral Aneurysms near-wall region be investigated? 2022-01-28

Ana Jacinta Soares (CMAT, Univ. Minho)

A multi-scale biological description with application to autoimmune diseases 2022-01-14

Susana Gomes (Univ. Warwick, UK)

Feedback control of falling liquid films using a hierarchical model approach 2021-04-16
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