Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAO)

Speaker Title Date
Luís Nunes Vicente (Lehigh Univ., USA & CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) Stochastic optimization of multiple objectives and fairness in machine learning 2021-02-12

Paula Amaral (NOVA Univ. of Lisbon)

Symbolic data and optimization 2021-01-15
Ganna Rozhnova (University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands) Model-based evaluation of school- and non-school based public health measures on controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands 2020-12-11

Cristiana J. Silva (CIDMA, Univ. Aveiro)

Complex network of epidemic models 2020-11-20
Nicolas Van Goethem (CMAFCIO, Univ. Lisboa) Mathematical modelling in solid mechanics: an example with fracking 2020-11-06
Giuseppe Romanazzi (Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil) Mathematical models and methods for Breach Formation in Earth Embankment Dams 2020-09-16
Luís Ferrás (Univ. do Minho) Is fractional calculus the ultimate solution to all anomalous-diffusion problems? 2020-02-28
Humberto Rocha (School of Economics, Univ. Coimbra) Optimization meets Medical Physics: tailored algorithms 2020-02-14
Pedro Antunes (Univ. Aberta, Lisboa) The Method of Fundamental Solutions and its application for solving shape optimization problems 2020-01-10
João Cardoso (ISEC & CMUC) Matrix functions: applications, computation and topics of research 2019-12-11
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