Zouhair Mouayn (Sultan Moulay University, Morroco) |
Euclidean, hyperbolic and spherical geometries in the Landau equation with magnetic field
2011-04-01 |
Vitor Sousa (CIDMA, Aveiro) |
The Riemann-Hilbert method and the limit behavior of the reproducing kernels
2011-02-23 |
Ajit Kumar (Dep. Math., Inst. of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India) |
Mathematics Training and Talent Search Programme
2010-10-18 |
Tommaso Leonori (University of Granada, Spain) |
Quasilinear singular equations
2010-07-07 |
Luis V. Pessoa (IST, Lisbon) |
Poly-Bergman spaces on domains Möbius equivalent to a disk
2010-06-18 |