elastoOCT-Optical Coherence Elastography for imaging retina mechanical properties
Publications |
BARBEIRO, Sílvia, SERRANHO, Pedro (2020). The method of fundamental solutions for the direct elastography problem in the human retina.
BATISTA, Ana, SERRANHO, Pedro, SANTOS, Mário J., CORREIA, Carlos, DOMINGUES, José P., LOUREIRO, Custódio, CARDOSO, João M. R., BARBEIRO, Sílvia, MORGADO, Miguel, BERNARDES, Rui (2023). Phase-resolved optical coherence elastography: an insight into tissue displacement estimation. Sensors. Vol. 23. 8, pp. 1-14.
HENRIQUES, Rafael (2025). Numerical methods for the robust reconstruction of elasticity. PhD Thesis. University of Coimbra.
SERRANHO, Pedro, BARBEIRO, Sílvia, HENRIQUES, Rafael, BATISTA, Ana, SANTOS, Mário J., CORREIA, Carlos, DOMINGUES, José P., LOUREIRO, Custódio, CARDOSO, João M. R., BERNARDES, Rui, MORGADO, Miguel (2022). On the numerical solution of the inverse elastography problem for time-harmonic excitation.
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